Mirc botai
Mirc botai

mirc botai

Then at main channel (#mychannel) server changes topic to: ' on +M. Then you go to Mychannel-Bot and you type !addgame, after !ip #IP and then !password #password. Msg %channel $,1īasically what it does is: An admin (with access 5 and more) goes to #mychannel.admins and he can make a game by typing !setmenext. A bot that when you type !something at channel it will spam in that way. I need a BOT doin not these commands (not making a gather channel) but something similar to this. Moreover moderators can use !ban NICK REASON and ban someone for a certain amount of time etc. And when the teams get filled it gives +M, sends pass (IP from the server we gonna play) to every player and after it gives -M again. When i type !teams it shows me the teams and the slots.

mirc botai

When i click !remove it removes me from that. When it's -M i can type !add and so the bot adds me in the lineup (5v5). Means i login to mirc, i /j #gatherchannel and there's a bot for example And so i can use some commands to !add myself in game. Or it's a 2 line script!? And if yes how i can make more scripts!? Thanks in advanceīasically to explain you what i need is that: Secondly, is it possible to edit further this scipt (like clickin !next and typing sth else?). Now i wanna know how i can setup a BOT like i will login a bot named Mychannel-BOT and when i type some commands like !next, or !add, or !teams etc it will spam me like this script you made. But seems i am gonna bother you more (the lust for learning :P).

Mirc botai